2020: REgrounding, REvisiting, REjeuvenating
The scene: It was mid-January of 2020. As 2019 and the decade came to a close, I was feeling a certain ambivalence about what I wanted to do “next” with my art. In 2019 I completed the largest cohesive body of painting in my art career to date with the “34” series. I was very proud of this effort. As 2020 began, I had no lack of ideas or inspiration for my art but was feeling a lot of uncertainty about what the next “project” should be.

Laura Noel 2020
It took finishing the first painting of the year to start to really feel grounded about the direction I’d go in for the next few months of painting. I decided that at least the first part of 2020 would be all about the concept of “RE“. RE-Grounding myself, RE- Visiting previous work and subjects with a new eye, and RE-Juvenating my love for painting – Reminding myself what brought me here, and why I do what I do.
Surprise Surprise. Things didn’t go as planned in 2020. In so many ways things changed – my day job, my relationship, my community, and by the end of the year even the place I called home. This body of work is a collection of that original idea and how it morphed and changed with the impacts of the pandemic.