Every January I participate in a project called “Make 100” hosted by the crowdfunding site Kickstarter. The best way to think of it is as a pre-order system for awesome projects! In January they spotlight small artists and creators with the “Make 100” series. The challenge is to create 100 of something. In 2021 I made hand-painted earrings. In 2022 I did 100 new mushroom-themed paintings. This year I embarked on a quest to make 100 layered art pieces on wood. This was a brand new technique for me that involved getting out of my comfort zone and breaking out the scroll saw! I got a fair number of orders during the scope of the project and am continuing toward my goal of making 100 of them for the rest of the year. Here are some of the pieces I made since the project launch!

Available at Art by the Sea Gallery, Bandon, OR